EU events, networking and final conference briefing

To advance discussions on energy performance certificates, building renovation passports, deep renovation and energy efficiency, iBRoad2EPC has conducted a series of targeted dissemination campaigns and organised and participated in numerous EU/international events (EUSEW, Sustainable Places, Concerted Action EPBD, CLIMA 2022, REHVA HVAC World Congress, eceee, and more).

A major catalyst in this has been the active participation and contribution in the Next Generation EPCs cluster of projects and related communication and dissemination activities like X-tendo and U-Cert final conference, D^2EPC, E-DYCE & ePANACEA joint final conference, TIMEPAC International Workshops, and more.

The main highlight of this collaboration was the organisation of the dedicated joint final conference of four EU-funded Horizon 2020 projects –crossCert, EPC RECAST, EUB SuperHub and iBRoad2EPC– in May 2024 titled “Next Generation Energy Performance Certificates Conference – EPBD recast edition”. The conference brought together more than 90 physical participants and at least as many online viewers, to exchange and discuss on valuable insights and applicable outcomes of the four projects in the context of the 2024 recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive. Coordinated and timed to follow two related Brussels events, namely the CINEA Cross-programme Buildings Clustering Meeting (21-22 May) and the tunES project event Tuning EPC and SRI Practices and methods to analyse national challenges (22 May, afternoon), it has played a pivotal role in guiding implementation of the recast directive.

An analysis of related EU focused dissemination activities is given in this report.

The report was published in August 2024.


iBRoad2EPC: EU-Focused Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination
iBRoad2EPC: EU-Focused Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination