API v1.0, able to transmit structured building data
API v2.0, fine-tuned, based on the pilot case feedback


This report describes the IT implementations carried out and the relevant architecture, features, modules and functionalities of the iBRoad2EPC back-end tool, the so-called iBRoad2EPC Assistant, including API (Application Programming Interface) versions 1.0 and 2.0.

The tools developed in iBRoad2EPC are aimed at energy auditors for issuing the model renovation passport, software developers for building an interface between these and their own databases or tools, and public authorities wishing to take iBRoad2EPC up and integrate it into their national policy framework.

Parties interested in the iBRoad2EPC tools can send an e-mail to contact@ibroad2epc.eu to receive an account or information in order to get started.

The report was published in March 2024.


iBRoad2EPC Assistant software
iBRoad2EPC Assistant software